The CSSM logo expresses both the objectives, scope of work and initial organizations involved in the CSSM.

The sinus shaped figures refer to the nature of signature related signals and measurements, whereas the middle figure also can be seen as the see surface, being the boundary between underwater and above water signatures.

The surface ship shape represents a state of the art surface combatant and the relevance of having a well-balanced topside design. The shape was derived from the silhouette of the Netherlands Holland Class Patrol Ships.

The submarine represents a state of the art submarine, representing the relevance of reducing and controlling underwater signatures. The shape was derived from the German U-212 submarine design.

The object in the middle, being the shape of a traditional anchored mine, represents the relevance of multiple signatures for mine warfare and mine counter measures.

Having both a German and Netherlands naval platform and a mine shaped object in the logo, covers the relevance of all signatures involved and the relevance of the activities CSSM stands for: supporting the participating nations in their role as ship design authority and to contribute to signature management.

Last but not least, the logo contains the logos of both the WTD71 and DMO at the time of the foundation of CSSM. By doing so the CSSM logo refers to both organizations being the ‘founding fathers’ of CSSM.