
What is LibCdf?

The Common Data Format library (LibCdf) is a library for storage, manipulation and processing of ship signature data and its meta data. The library offers to

  • Write data on correct format to file
  • Validate that the data stored on file is written correctly according to its definitions
  • Read data on correct format from file.
  • Visualize data.

The library present a new data/metadata-format and container paradigm for ship signatures, as well as a unified approach to signature analysis, reporting and knowledge management. This library is part of the SiAnTo signature database system. SiAnTo is a (semi)-automated system for storage, retrieval and pre-configured interactive analysis of ship signatures.

Why use LibCdf?

Ship signature data is stored in many different formats depending on many factors like the domain/influence of interest, range, sensors, acquisition equipment etc.:

Fig. 1.1 Diversity in the signature domain.

A recurring problem that keeps surfaceing is the difficulty in accessing, reading and interpreting various data acquisition formats. Unclear format definitions and descriptions hamper data analysis and data exchange. The lack of standardized meta-data description makes automated processing of large amount of data very difficult and time consuming. The time and productivity lost is preventable by agreeing to a common data format and library which would enable unambiguous reading and interpreting of signature data, ideally without user intervention.

This is the raison d’etre for the Common Data Format library. It presents a solution to store the data as well as the meta data in a standardized way. Having a well described and open definition of a well chosen and flexible data format (or container) will also have a (positive) knock-on effect on the current accepted analysis procedures and framework. Reinventing and re-implementing various datareaders and converters is expensive and time consuming. This time and money now becomes available to do something far more productive and relevant. The library is applicable, but not limited to

  • Ranging and acquisition software.
  • Measurement campaigns/trials.
  • Signature analysis database.
  • International data exchange.
  • Batch processing and data mining

LibCdf has a lot of documentation. To get a look and feel of what can be done with the LibCDF several how-to guides are included here. The full documentation including Tutorials, Topic- and how-to guides and reference documentation is included in the LibCDF.

How-to get LibCDF

For download of the libCDF software please request the necessary password at!