The CSSM SC is responsible for the proper implementation of the CSSM MoU and each member is responsible for the necessary coordination with the appropriate authorities of their own nation.

The Management Group will be responsible for implementing the directives of the CSSM SC and will oversee, guide and task the CSSM Office and the CSSM Working Groups and will report to the CSSM SC.

The CSSM Office is located at WTD 71 (Germany). The Participants will jointly make provision for staffing the CSSM Office and will be encouraged to, though not obliged, provide permanent or part-time staff members, one of them being the National Liaison Officer (NLO), responsible for CSSM affairs of that Participant. Staff members made available to the CSSM Office will remain part of their national organi-zations.

If a Participant is not able to provide a permanent or part-time staff member to the CSSM Office, a National Liaison Officer will be assigned who will contribute to the CSSM Office remotely and through regular visits.

Working Groups will be identified by the CSSM MG. The Working Groups will discuss details of CSSM activities and propose new cooperative activities to the CSSM MG. Working Groups will be involved in preparing, executing and post-processing of their respective activities. Each Participant will be encouraged to send an expert for the respective topic of the group. Working Groups will meet regularly, twice a year, at locations rotating among the Participants’ nations; the CSSM MG may define other cycles and venues.