With the aim to facilitate and enable the realization of the objective of this CSSM MoU, the scope of work under this CSSM MoU will be to:

a. mutually inform the Participants on national R&T needs, objectives, and programs with the aim of identifying cooperative initiatives;

b. identify medium to long term objectives for R&T cooperation and strive for a cooperative approach in meeting these common objectives;

c. facilitate Information Exchange;

d. identify, initiate, and conduct cooperative activities (for example: R&T projects, establishing common rules and standards, defining signature concepts, trials);

e. explore the possibilities of sharing the costs and infrastructure for signature meas-urements; and

f. define and maintain an effective international network.

For the actual conduct of Information Exchange or cooperative activities, dedicated Information Exchange Arrangements (IEAs) or Technical Arrangements (TAs) will be concluded under the provisions of the MSPC MoU.